
share a movie with everyone

如果對喜歡的事情沒有辦法放棄 那就要更努力的 讓別人看到自己的存在
If I'm passionate about something and cannot give up. I should work harder at it and show others I exist.

Touch of the light~


Those kids are amazing!!!!!!

Share with you. A friend of mine's kids class

這週五:九月28 教師節 幼兒律動 延課喔!! 延課時間我們上課會討論嚕

這週五 幼兒律動 延課喔!! 延課時間我們上課會討論嚕

改到十月17日 週三 早上同時間上課噢
不要忘記嚕~~ :)


Sep 16 Hip-hop Class postponed!!!!

Dear Students,

I wont be in Taiwan between Sep 15 and Sep 17. So the Hip-hop class at Sep 16 will be postponed and the make up schedule will be discussed at Sep 23.

See you hip-hopper the weekend after next weekend when I get back.

Sep 10, 2012

Dear all,
After the discussion with Connie, Carolin, Valerie, we make a small conclusion that maybe postponed the class to one of the same Sunday and make it like two hours class that day.
Please say YA if you agree with it too!!!! :)

And, Yatish, Connie is your sub representative. She is going to contact everyone and make a contact list with email to help everyone contact each other for the future classes. Please keep in touch with Connie.
Sep 23, 2012

Don't know the reason why that Connie and Carlin drop out the class without even saying goodbye. Now me, Valerie, Yatish, and Aria. We are going to have a mob!!!!!! on Nov.. under planning.. Tom will be the DJ. Let's Mob!!!!!!!!!
And about this class, we will wait till Yatish back on Nov and make it up for the Sep, Oct students.. If there still more students update on this page, except we four. Please contact me!!!!! We need people !!! and Its gonna be amazing :)
update Oct 15, 2012